Activity 2: Learning Content Reflection
Introduction: Obviously, when learning, it does matter also what we learn. Not everything we learn we learn equally well, which depends on many different factors. When we try to teach, we should also understand how people learn, something where it can be helpful to look at our personal learning experience. Not everyone learns the same way, so we cannot apply everything we discern that way to our pupils, but it still furthers our understanding and helps to recognise general patterns of learning and the complexity of learning processes.
Learning Objectives: Participants are to train their reflection skills and think about their own experiences in learning situations in preparation of the next session.
Please reflect on your own learning experience. Think back to when you were in school, university, some vocational training or even just informal learning settings. Make notes addressing the following questions:
- What kind of content was particularly easy to learn?
- Which was hard to learn?
- Do I have any hypothesis as to why that may be the case?
If you recognise any other patterns in your learning experiences, you find interesting, feel free to also write about these, as the questions above should serve as a starting point.
Bring these notes with you to the next training session.